Seth is originally from Prestonsburg, KY and has been happily married to his wife Emily since 2014. Since then, the Lord has blessed them with four sons, Brody, Bentley, Bailey, and Barret. Seth is a graduate of Boyce College and has been at First Baptist Church since 2017. He has a love for God’s Word and is passionate about helping individuals grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. He enjoys spending time with his family, lifting weights, kayaking, playing ping pong and drinking good coffee.
Chris Hignite has been the Administrative Assistant of First Baptist Church since 2022. Chris and his wife Ashley have four children Mallory, Lilly, Grayson, and Max.
Kylan Hignite is our new Youth and Faimly Minister. He and his wife Emily are from Morehead KY. . Kylan is currently a student at Clear Creek Baptist Bilble College and is pursuing a degree in Pastorl Ministry.